Down To Earth, Professional Breastfeeding Advice & Support

Niamh Kennelly IBCLC & PHN
Breastfeeding Advice

Did You Know?


Breastfeeding reduces your lifetime risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer, and diabetes? It also reduces your baby’s risk for childhood cancers.


Breastmilk is full of probiotics and good bacteria and proteins that optimize your baby’s immunity.


Your breastmilk changes to suit your baby’s needs. So if you’re baby is deficient in some element, your milk will adapt to meet this need. For more information on the advantages of breastfeeding, see my blog.  

Recent Publications

The Microbiome and Human Health

Latest Advice & Updates

Tongue Tie and Bottle Refusal

Tongue Tie and Bottle Refusal

However, tongue tie doesn’t just affect breastfed babies. It can also affect bottle fed babies.  This usually only starts to become a problem after about 6-8 weeks of age.  Unfortunately, mothers of bottle fed babies with a tongue tie that is affecting their ability to suck effectively, often undergo months of distress due to the lack of knowledge in the healthcare community around this subject. 

The Microbiome and Human Health

The Microbiome and Human Health

The microbiome plays a significant role in the health of us humans.  It is considered by many as another organ, such is its extensive impact.  However, because it is not visible to the naked eye like the heart or lungs, it is difficult for us to be mindful of. 

Off to the best start…

Off to the best start…

The Public Health Nurse (PHN) is most often the first health professional that an Irish mother and her partner will meet when she comes home from hospital with their baby.  According to the HSE (4), the role of the PHN is to visit homes following birth notifications and to monitor child, maternal and family health, and to particularly focus on the benefits of breast-feeding.