Tongue Tie and Bottle Refusal

Tongue Tie and Bottle Refusal

However, tongue tie doesn’t just affect breastfed babies. It can also affect bottle fed babies.  This usually only starts to become a problem after about 6-8 weeks of age.  Unfortunately, mothers of bottle fed babies with a tongue tie that is affecting their ability to suck effectively, often undergo months of distress due to the lack of knowledge in the healthcare community around this subject. 

Epsom Salts

Epsom Salts

It is often recommended as a treatment for blocked milk ducts. It is advised to dissolve the salts in hot water, then cool the mixture to warm, and using a medicine cup or silicone breast pump, leave the mixture in contact with the nipple. The aim is to draw out the toxins and free the nipple pore.

Blocked Ducts

Blocked Ducts

Blocked ducts present as hard tender lumps, often described as pea-sized initially. They appear most often on the upper outer quadrant of either breast. Sometimes a tiny white dot can be seen on the nipple. This is called a milk bleb and when it is freed, it can look like a white string being pulled out of the nipple.