by Niamh Kennelly | Nov 13, 2020 | Help Me, Postnatal, Sleep
New parents feel confused about infant sleep and feel they receive conflicting information, which they do. They are often told by parents and grandparents that ‘tough love’ is the right approach and “sure it didn’t do mine any harm”. Yet for many parents that approach doesn’t feel right. They spent their entire pregnancy nurturing and growing this beautiful baby, who depends on them for virtually everything. Their baby always seems so happy and content when they are with their moms and dads. It feels wrong to expect them to self-soothe, and deny them the comfort of their parents whenever they need/want them.
by Niamh Kennelly | Nov 8, 2020 | Help Me, Nipple Care, Postnatal
Almost all breastfeeding women will suffer from sore nipples at some stage. Preparation is key. Treating your nipples after they become sore is reactive. Instead, try to be proactive and treat your nipples so that you prevent them becoming sore. Your nipples will thank you for it!!
by Niamh Kennelly | Nov 2, 2020 | Help Me, Nipple Care, Postnatal
Vasospasm, also known as Raynaud’s phenomenon of the nipple, is where the nipple turns white when the baby latches off, then turns blue or bright red before returning to its normal colour. This is accompanied by extreme pain for the mum, that can be described as sharp stabbing, or throbbing pain.
by pv-latchingon | Oct 25, 2020 | Breastfeeding Preparation, Help Me, Prenatal
You imagine your baby nuzzling into you, and latching on, getting all the milky goodness, as well as looking deep into your eyes and bonding with you, while feelings of contentment, belonging, and love wash over you both, while your partner supports you both in this new family. This is exactly what breastfeeding can be for you. But in order to make it as seamless as possible, and give you the best start, there are many things that you can do now while pregnant that will make all the difference once baby is here.
by pv-latchingon | Oct 25, 2020 | Help Me, Postnatal
Babies are born with primitive reflexes that are engaged/heightened when they are placed on their tummies on their mummies chest or tummy. This inbuilt instinct, enables the baby to lead with its chin, and if left to self latch, will lick, and smell, and latch chin first, which is optimal.
by pv-latchingon | Oct 25, 2020 | Help Me
Parents can help reduce jaundice by feeding their baby on demand. It was previously thought that exposing a baby to natural light would help to eliminate the bilirubin more quickly, but this has been disproven. Breastfeeding your baby exclusively and on demand, with no restrictions or routines, is the best way of treating your baby’s jaundice, and giving your baby the very best nourishment and nurturing experience he/she can have.